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JavaScript tutorials + other stuff

Projects starred by Dan Abramov in the past year

March 16, 2020

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Description: List of Homeferences
Repo URL: https://github.com/homeferences/list
Repo Owner: homeferences
GitHub Stars: 331


Description: A soft vibrant VSCode theme - Based on Sarah Drasner’s Night Owl and Dan Abramov’s Overreacted blog
Repo URL: https://github.com/cevr/overnight
Repo Owner: cevr
GitHub Stars: 252


Description: The site and docs for React Native
Repo URL: https://github.com/facebook/react-native-website
Repo Owner: facebook
GitHub Stars: 1,038


Description: Excalidraw is a whiteboard tool that lets you easily sketch diagrams that have a hand-drawn feel to them.
Repo URL: https://github.com/excalidraw/excalidraw
Repo Owner: excalidraw
GitHub Stars: 3,412


Description: One Click, Offline, CommonJS Modules in the browser
Repo URL: https://github.com/jordwalke/one-click.js
Repo Owner: jordwalke
GitHub Stars: 312


Description: null
Repo URL: https://github.com/ember-learn/super-rentals-tutorial
Repo Owner: ember-learn
GitHub Stars: 63


Description: Toy React renderer from my React Conf 2019 talk, “Building a Custom React Renderer”
Repo URL: https://github.com/sophiebits/react-dom-mini
Repo Owner: sophiebits
GitHub Stars: 532


Description: Deliver experiences best suited to a user’s device and network constraints
Repo URL: https://github.com/GoogleChromeLabs/react-adaptive-hooks
Repo Owner: GoogleChromeLabs
GitHub Stars: 4,046


Description: A utility-first CSS framework for rapid UI development.
Repo URL: https://github.com/tailwindcss/tailwindcss
Repo Owner: tailwindcss
GitHub Stars: 20,701


Description: A set of tools and libraries for stitching together modules and code in highly dynamic browser environments
Repo URL: https://github.com/ggoodman/velcro
Repo Owner: ggoodman
GitHub Stars: 81


Description: ⚡️Simple, Modular & Accessible UI Components for your React Applications
Repo URL: https://github.com/chakra-ui/chakra-ui
Repo Owner: chakra-ui
GitHub Stars: 5,425


Description: Gesture-driven animation on the mobile web (React Conf 2019)
Repo URL: https://github.com/aholachek/mobile-first-animation
Repo Owner: aholachek
GitHub Stars: 1,889


Description: Build performant, native and cross-platform desktop applications with native React + powerful CSS like styling.🚀
Repo URL: https://github.com/nodegui/react-nodegui
Repo Owner: nodegui
GitHub Stars: 4,390


Description: GitHub do not ban us from open source world :iran:
Repo URL: https://github.com/1995parham/github-do-not-ban-us
Repo Owner: 1995parham
GitHub Stars: 12,121


Description: Modules to be used with Talon for hands-free input
Repo URL: https://github.com/2shea/talon_configs
Repo Owner: 2shea
GitHub Stars: 69


Description: Hermes is a small and lightweight JavaScript engine optimized for running React Native on Android.
Repo URL: https://github.com/facebook/hermes
Repo Owner: facebook
GitHub Stars: 5,127


Description: React Hooks for Firebase.
Repo URL: https://github.com/CSFrequency/react-firebase-hooks
Repo Owner: CSFrequency
GitHub Stars: 953


Description: Libra’s mission is to enable a simple global currency and financial infrastructure that empowers billions of people.
Repo URL: https://github.com/libra/libra
Repo Owner: libra
GitHub Stars: 14,025


Description: ReHp
Repo URL: https://github.com/jordwalke/rehp
Repo Owner: jordwalke
GitHub Stars: 165


Description: Teleport React components in the same React tree 📡
Repo URL: https://github.com/gregberge/react-teleporter
Repo Owner: gregberge
GitHub Stars: 881


Description: TweetDeck for GitHub - Filter Issues, Activities & Notifications - Web, Mobile & Desktop
Repo URL: https://github.com/devhubapp/devhub
Repo Owner: devhubapp
GitHub Stars: 6,588


Description: :blackmediumsmall_square: React Vertex | Hooks-based WebGL library for React
Repo URL: https://github.com/sghall/react-vertex
Repo Owner: sghall
GitHub Stars: 1,216


Description: A set of tools to track the size of your build artifacts over time.
Repo URL: https://github.com/paularmstrong/build-tracker
Repo Owner: paularmstrong
GitHub Stars: 367


Description: Demo Gatsby app for a #noSlides talk on debugging and building accessible React apps
Repo URL: https://github.com/marcysutton/empathy-driven-development
Repo Owner: marcysutton
GitHub Stars: 319


Description: 🎨 Framework for effortlessly building Ink apps
Repo URL: https://github.com/vadimdemedes/pastel
Repo Owner: vadimdemedes
GitHub Stars: 1,173


Description: 🐭 An In-browser User Interface For JavaScript Development Workflows
Repo URL: https://github.com/alex-saunders/glicky
Repo Owner: alex-saunders
GitHub Stars: 840


Description: 🌈🕹 Refreshed Windows 95 style UI components for your React app
Repo URL: https://github.com/arturbien/React95
Repo Owner: arturbien
GitHub Stars: 3,602


Description: Design with JSX, powered by your own component library.
Repo URL: https://github.com/seek-oss/playroom
Repo Owner: seek-oss
GitHub Stars: 3,200


Description: React Loops works with React Hooks as part of the React Velcro Architecture
Repo URL: https://github.com/leebyron/react-loops
Repo Owner: leebyron
GitHub Stars: 1,106


Description: Check if a number is equal to 13.
Repo URL: https://github.com/jezen/is-thirteen
Repo Owner: jezen
GitHub Stars: 5,002

Hi, I'm Ryan. I live in Denver and work remotely as a JavaScript/React/Node Developer. I'm always having fun building side projects and sometimes write JavaScript-related tutorials that help folks build things, too.