Deploy React Apps to AWS: Part 2 - Create an S3 Bucket and Host a React App Manually
November 20, 2019
Ok, we’re barely gonna use what we did in Part 1 of this series…that’s my bad. BUT that boring stuff is out of the way, and we can get an actual React app hosted on AWS by the end of this tutorial!
We’re going to manually create an S3 Bucket and host our React code in it, which is how I did it for the first handful of apps I worked on. It’s time-consuming and prone to screw-ups, but it’ll help you understand how AWS works and will make CloudFormation, a.k.a. a way to create (provision) AWS resources with just config files, much easier to work with in later tutorials and your coding life.
Building complex apps with React? Trying to learn?
You might like this open source single-page React app boilerplate I’m working on that inspired this series of blog posts. It’s easy to jump into and has tons of great stuff baked in - including everything needed to host it on AWS, with separate production and staging deployments! Fork the boilerplate on GitHub.
What’s an S3 Bucket and how does it host a website?
An S3 (Simple Storage Service) Bucket is pretty much just a fancy folder that’s hosted on AWS. S3 Buckets are very basic, common AWS resources that can be used with and supplement tons of other services.
Like an S3 Bucket, a single-page application/website is just a folder of files - HTML, CSS, JavaScript, images, etc.
So, with the right configuration, we can host all of the files needed for a production React app in an S3 bucket and visit the app via a url that points to the bucket.
You can learn more here.
Tutorial Time
Let’s start doing some real stuff and create an S3 Bucket that’s ready to host a React app. If you haven’t already, create an AWS account. See Part 1 for more info.
Create an S3 Bucket
Log in to your AWS Console and navigate to the S3 section. Click the “Create Bucket” button.
Provide a unique name for your bucket. Unfortunately, bucket names must be unique across all of AWS, so gotta get
creative sometimes.
Skip the “Configure Options” step.
In the “Set Permissions” step, uncheck “Block all public access”. The bucket needs to be public to allow anyone
to visit your app hosted in the bucket.
Proceed to the review step and click “Create Bucket”. You should see your new bucket in the list!
Add a Bucket Policy
A Bucket Policy determines who can do what with objects/files in your bucket. For our static website, we’ll allow anyone to read the objects.
First, click your bucket name to navigate to the bucket details page.
Then go to the “Permissions” tab and click the “Bucket Policy” button. In the Bucket Policy Editor, paste in the following policy, using your bucket’s ARN, which is listed above the policy editor. You can read more on website policies here.
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Id": "MyPolicy",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "PublicReadForGetBucketObjects",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": "*",
"Action": "s3:GetObject",
"Resource": "<YOUR_ARN>/*"
Click “Save” and you should get a warning message saying the bucket has public access.
Configure the bucket to host a static site
From your bucket details page, go to the “Properties” tab and click the “Static website hosting” module.
Once that module opens, update the following options…
- Select the “Use this bucket to host a website” option
- Set the index document as
. When acreate-react-app
app is built for production, the root file isindex.html
, which serves up the bundled JavaScript and any other assets for your app. - Set the error document as
as well, because we want React to handle any undefined routes - that could be with React Router, or all routes can point to your app no matter what.
Here’s the final config. Click the “Save” button to make it official.
Note the endpoint url provided above the config options. That’s the url to your app. For now it shows a 404 because there aren’t any files yet.
Create a React app to deploy
As you probably guessed, we’ll quickly create an app with create-react-app.
npx create-react-app deploy-bucket-example
cd deploy-bucket-example
npm start
If the setup worked, the app should open at http://localhost:3000
To prepare the app for deployment and hosting on AWS via your S3 Bucket, build the app for production.
npm run build
Upload the app manually
One easy but not exactly recommended way to deploy production code to a bucket is by manually uploading the
directory contents to the bucket.
Go to your bucket details page, overview tab, and click the “Upload” button.
Drag and drop the contents of your /build
directory. Once listed, proceed to the next step.
Under “Manage public permissions” use the dropdown to select “Grant public read access to this object(s)“.
Click next until the review step, check that everything is correct, and click “Upload.”
Once uploaded, visit your bucket’s static website endpoint (Properties > Static Website Hosting > Endpoint) and see your React app!
You can also append random endpoints to the url - b/c we set the error document as index.html
any endpoint on the bucket url will just show the app.
Upload the app via the CLI
Ok, now imagine doing the manual upload above every time you want to deploy a new version of your app - not ideal. So, let’s use the AWS CLI to deploy your app.
But first, to make sure the deployment works, make a change to your app that you can check - like a text change or console.log
- and rebuild the app.
npm run build
To upload a production-ready app to a bucket, we’ll use the following command.
aws s3 sync build/ s3://<BUCKET_NAME> --delete
Before you execute the command, let’s break it down…
aws s3
tells the AWS CLI that we’ll be performing some action on an S3 resourecesync
is am S3 command that “recursively copies new and updated files from the source directory to the destination”.build/
is the source directory. We want files from it to go to our bucket.s3://<BUCKET_NAME>
is the destination bucket.--delete
flag deletes “files that exist in the destination but not in the source”. So it basically resets the bucket before uploading a new production build.
Ok, now run the following command with the bucket name filled in.
aws s3 sync build/ s3://<BUCKET_NAME> --delete
For my example bucket, my command to upload looks like this.
aws s3 sync build/ s3://yost-post-example-bucket-1 --delete
When you run the command, your terminal should output something like the following.
If your command doesn’t work, then you’ll have to troubleshoot your AWS CLI config, AWS account, bucket settings, or some other issue.
Now revisit your bucket endpoint and check for your text change or console.log
of a new build and therefore deployment!
And that’s it!
You can now host a React app in an S3 bucket and deploy it via the CLI. But that’s just the tip of the iceberg!
Stay tuned for future installments of the series that will cover topics such as…
- distributing an S3 website via CloudFront (CDN)
- custom domains
- production and staging deployments
- automated provisioning with CloudFront
- CI/CD integration (CircleCI)
If you want to see a single app with all of those topics implemented, check out react-spa-starter, an open source React/Redux boilerplate I’m working on that inspired this tutorial series.
- ← Deploy React Apps to AWS: Part 1 - Setting up the AWS CLI
- Deploy React Apps to AWS: Part 3 - Create a Hosting S3 Bucket with CloudFormation →
Hi, I'm Ryan. I live in Denver and work remotely as a JavaScript/React/Node Developer. I'm always having fun building side projects and sometimes write JavaScript-related tutorials that help folks build things, too.